Monday, January 28, 2008

Just be real!

Welcome to our brand new spanking Kechara Media and Publications blog!

We decided as a group that it would be really great to document our individual experiences working in KMP, not just for ourselves but for friends and supporters everywhere who wonder what goes on inside a Dharma publications house.

Let's just say for now that there are celebrations! book launches! applause! hallmark moments! But there are also dramas to outweigh anything on Golden Globes! Bitch fits! Crying! Tantrums!

The thing is that this is not just a job - it's also about our individual spiritual practice, which makes it that much harder and trickier but also that much more interesting. It's about how we navigate conflicts, overcome obstacles, celebrate the successes, develop the publishing house, sell our books and grow as a spiritual team.

One very important thing to bear in mind while you read this blog: we are not Buddhas, we not enlightened beings writing this blog; we are real people just like you, documenting our personal stories and journey within a Dharma company and family. It's the ride of our life, and we're glad you're going to be a part of it! xxx

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