Tuesday, February 26, 2008

From "Protection from Spirit Harm"

I was just reading this when finalising my Setrap book... thought it was a good reminder so am sharing it with all. :)

In conjunction with learning and meditation, one must also engage in the practice of collecting merits and purification of negative karma. Some people may think that doing actions to collect merit for oneself is selfish. That is wrong view because it is true that one is collecting merits, but it is with a Mahayana or Bodhicitta attitude. If one collects merits by a Bodhicitta motivation then the collection of merits propels us toward Buddhahood and achieving that Buddhahood allows us to bring sentient beings skillfully to enlightenment. Only a fully enlightened being has the perfect skill, method and wisdom to benefit others completely. So collecting the merits is not actually for ourselves but for others. When people make the statement that collecting merits is a selfish act, it shows that the person does not have correct understanding. Merit is the key factor for bringing us to full enlightenment. Those who realize that will enthusiastically engage in the collection of merits for the sake of others. In fact, the more suffering one sees that others have to endure, the more one wishes to gain merits in order to find a way to release others. So learning the Dharma, then meditating on it to gain understanding to transform ourselves, and the collection of merits go hand in hand.

Receiving many initiations from highly realized Rinpoches will not fulfill its purpose. Attending many Dharma talks and having intellectual understanding of Dharma is like a sick person not taking his medication but just praising the effectiveness of the medication to others while the disease ravages his body. Taking refuge and initiations but not familiarizing and holding on to the precepts is likened to receiving a warm coat and not wearing it while standing in the cold shivering. Having taken refuge in a Guru, but always seeing his "bad" points will always result in one meeting with negative people and feeling their negative advice is correct, therefore following it diligently! This will result in bringing oneself farther and farther from the Dharma. Being far from the Dharma is not a physical distance. One can be in the presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but if one's thoughts are of hatred, revenge and grudges, then one is very far from the Dharma. Despising the Guru has many negative repercussions. Having a large centre with many followers and the donation box is full is not the measure of success. It is not a measure that the Dharma is flourishing in your centre. The Dharma centre must be overflowing with students whose minds are transforming and becoming better people everyday. In fact, if the actions of students in the centres are not Dharmic but the centre is still flourishing, it is a very bad omen. So we need to check into ourselves and say, what is my motivation? When we check our motivation and it is not good, apply the antidote our teachers have taught us. Please do not look for outer Dharma but inner. Dharma is the inner realization we have gained through diligent application.

Read it here...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's now, it's now!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE our coffee table book... I almost can't believe it's finally crystallised. Susan brought a copy back to show me late last night. Ok, ok, I was waiting up for it but don't tell anyone. Anyway, it was worth the wait because it's absolutely lovely and best of all, Rinpoche likes it! Whew! And Andee likes it! Andee said KMP deserves a new building just for this accomplishment. And so far, everyone who has seen it loves it... so what if it's a punctuation short - it's only a tiny comma.

We love it so much that Jamie and I are hatching the NEXT coffee table book. Yes, even before this one is launched, we have something really, really exciting brewing. In the meantime, we're planning for the big launch of IF NOT NOW, WHEN... so watch this space!

If not now, when?

Our newest baby is born! (Not without much pain and grief though, if you ask our poor harrassed production manager JJ's whose hair is now all but hanging by very loose tendrils)

IT IS BEAUTIFUL and anyone who thinks otherwise will get a smack.

I decided to go out to celebrate at a new salon boutique launch, drink posh tea and buy shoes (samsaric entertainments dangle in front of us like carrots). Then, just as I slipped on a pair of pumps, an SMS came through.

"There is a spelling mistake."

My stomach hit the floor. *thud*.

It was something about practice being spelt wrongly. I asked, "Is it supposed to be a noun or a verb?"

JJ texted the quote back to me so I screamed silently in my head and texted back an expletive. How can we have missed it, we only checked it about a million times!

Later, we also discovered a missing comma, which almost made me cry all over the conference table.

But the Buddhas are happy (and so is Joe, which is often just as important!) and so are we! Next up, the equally fabulous, perfect book launch.

In the meantime, go out and buy one and display prominently all over your coffee tables!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Just be real!

Welcome to our brand new spanking Kechara Media and Publications blog!

We decided as a group that it would be really great to document our individual experiences working in KMP, not just for ourselves but for friends and supporters everywhere who wonder what goes on inside a Dharma publications house.

Let's just say for now that there are celebrations! book launches! applause! hallmark moments! But there are also dramas to outweigh anything on Golden Globes! Bitch fits! Crying! Tantrums!

The thing is that this is not just a job - it's also about our individual spiritual practice, which makes it that much harder and trickier but also that much more interesting. It's about how we navigate conflicts, overcome obstacles, celebrate the successes, develop the publishing house, sell our books and grow as a spiritual team.

One very important thing to bear in mind while you read this blog: we are not Buddhas, we not enlightened beings writing this blog; we are real people just like you, documenting our personal stories and journey within a Dharma company and family. It's the ride of our life, and we're glad you're going to be a part of it! xxx